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Isotonix® Advanced B-Complex

sku C13057

$80.76 CAD

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Primary Benefits of Isotonix® Advanced B-Complex

Contains essential B vitamins.

  • Provides the body with the necessary and important B vitamins for overall health
  • Helps the body to metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • Helps in the production of red blood cells
  • Helps maintain proper muscle function
  • Aids in tissue formation and helps prevent neural tube defects when taken prior to becoming pregnant and during early pregnancy
  • Contains 10 key ingredients, combined with the superior delivery of Isotonix

Primary Benefits of Isotonix® Advanced B-Complex

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What Makes Isotonix Advanced B-Complex Unique?

What Makes Isotonix Advanced B-Complex Unique?

Isotonix® Advanced B-Complex is an isotonic-capable combination of the essential B vitamins with magnesium and potassium, which work synergistically to promote a myriad of health benefits and biological processes in the body. Isotonix Advanced B-Complex works to promote healthy red blood cell formation, and contains B vitamins which are necessary for proper functioning of the nervous system, bone marrow and muscle function. Vitamin B5 is involved in the Krebs cycle of energy production and plays a role in in producing, transporting, and releasing energy from fats. The large amount of vitamin B12 provided in the Isotonix formula may be capable of forcing small amounts across the membranes of the intestines. This vitamin is carried into the body by forming a complex with Intrinsic Factor, a stomach derived protein. It enters the body bound to proteins, requiring an acidic pH level and proper pancreatic release of proteolytic enzymes. Because many vegetarian diets are lacking in the essential B-vitamins, Isotonix Advanced B-Complex meets the need for B-vitamins for vegetarians.

Product Classifications

Gluten-Free - The finished product contains no detectable gluten (<10ppm gluten)

No Detectable GMOs - The finished product contains no detectable genetically-modified organisms

Vegan - The product is made without ingredients produced by or derived from animals

Isotonic-Capable Drinkable Supplements - Easy-to-swallow supplements in liquid form are immediately available to the body for absorption

Quality Standards - GMP Operations and Standardised Ingredients

Checked For: Heavy Metals, Microbiological Contaminants, Allergens, Potency, Purity and Identity

Isotonix Delivery System

Isotonix Delivery System

Isotonix - the World's Most Advanced Nutraceuticals
Isotonic, which means “same pressure,” bears the same chemical resemblance of the body’s blood, plasma and tears. All fluids in the body have a certain concentration, referred to as osmotic pressure. The body’s common osmotic pressure, which is isotonic, allows a consistent maintenance of body tissues. In order for a substance to be absorbed and used in the body’s metabolism, it must be transported in an isotonic state. Isotonix dietary supplements are delivered in an isotonic solution. This means that the body has less work to do to in obtaining great absorption. The isotonic state of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small intestine and be rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. With Isotonix products, little nutritive value is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient while delivering maximum results.

Key Ingredients

Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a bacterial product naturally found in animal products, especially organ meats, such as liver, with small amounts derived from peanuts and fermented soy products, such as miso and tempeh. It is essential that vegetarians consume a vitamin B12 supplement to maintain optimal health. Vitamin B12, when ingested, is stored in the liver and other tissues for later use.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Dark, leafy greens, oranges, orange juice, beans, peas and Brewer’s yeast are the best sources. Folic acid plays a key role by boosting the benefits of B12 supplementation. These two B vitamins join forces and work together in maintaining normal red blood cells. Folic acid assists in the normal utilization of amino acids and proteins.

Riboflavin-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B2)

Vitamin B2 is found in liver, dairy products, dark green vegetables and some types of seafood. Vitamin B2 serves as a coenzyme, working with other B vitamins and promotes healthy red blood cell formation. Vitamin B2 plays a crucial role in turning food into energy as a part of the electron transport chain, driving cellular energy on the micro-level. Riboflavin can be useful for pregnant or lactating women, as well as athletes due to their higher caloric needs. Vitamin B2 also aids in the breakdown of fats. Vitamin B2 is water-soluble and cannot be stored by the body except in insignificant amounts. It must be replenished daily.

Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (Vitamin B6)

Poultry, fish, whole grains and bananas are the main dietary sources of vitamin B6. B6 is a co-factor required for protein and amino acid metabolism. It also assists in the maintenance of healthy red and white blood cells, which keeps our body healthy. Vitamin B6 is required for hemoglobin synthesis (hemoglobin is the protein portion of red blood cells which carries oxygen throughout the body). Athletic supplements often include vitamin B6 because it promotes the conversion of glycogen to glucose for energy in muscle tissue. Vitamin B6 should be administered as a part of a complex of other B-vitamins for best results.

Magnesium (Carbonate)

Foods rich in magnesium include unpolished grains, nuts and green vegetables. Green, leafy vegetables are potent sources of magnesium because of their chlorophyll content. Meats, starches, milk, refined and processed foods contain low amounts of magnesium. Recent research shows that many American diets are magnesium deficient. Magnesium is a component of the mineralized part of bone, and promotes the normal metabolism of potassium and calcium in adults. Magnesium plays a key role in the functioning of muscle and nervous tissue, and the synthesis of all proteins, nucleic acids, nucleotides, fats and carbohydrates. Magnesium is required for releasing energy from food during metabolism. Importantly, magnesium is also required by the body to promote normal muscle development.

Potassium (Bicarbonate)

Potassium is an electrolyte stored in the muscles. Foods rich in potassium include bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, avocado, raw spinach, cabbage and celery. Potassium is an essential macromineral that helps maintain fluid balance in the body. It also plays a role in a wide variety of biochemical and physiological processes. Among other things, potassium promotes the contraction of cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscle, and also the production of energy. In 1928, it was first suggested that high potassium intake could help maintain cardiovascular health. Potassium promotes normal muscle relaxation and insulin release. It also promotes glycogen and protein synthesis. Potassium is an electrolyte that promotes normal heartbeat. Potassium is important in releasing energy from protein, fat and carbohydrates during metabolism. Potassium helps regulate water balance, aids in recovery from exercise and helps with the elimination of wastes. Sodium and potassium are two of the most important ions in maintaining the homeostatic equilibrium of the body fluids.

Thiamin HCl (Vitamin B1)

Thiamin promotes normal carbohydrate metabolism. Thiamin supports the production of certain neurotransmitters which have an important role in muscle function.

D-Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B5)
Pantothenic acid (B5) is an important B vitamin for numerous metabolic processes in the body.

Niacin (Vitamin B3)

Niacin is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for many aspects of health and is found in dairy products, poultry, fish, lean meats, nuts, eggs, legumes, and enriched breads and cereals.

Biotin (Vitamin B7)

Biotin can be found in food sources, such as egg yolks, peanuts, beef liver, milk, cereals, almonds and Brewer’s yeast. Biotin promotes healthy cell growth and the metabolism of fats and amino acids. It supports the citric acid cycle, which is the process in which energy is generated during exercise. Biotin is often recommended for strengthening hair and nails. These 10 ingredients, combined with the superior delivery of Isotonix, create a powerhouse B vitamin product superior to the rest on the market. Isotonix Advanced B-Complex delivers all of the B vitamins to help provide the body with the necessary and important B vitamins for overall health.


  1. What is Isotonix Advanced B-Complex?
    Isotonix Advanced B-Complex is a blend of all B-vitamins with potassium and biotin. Because of the isotonic state of this blend, one can be sure that the maximum amounts of nutrients are reaching their target areas with utmost efficiency. An isotonic solution is one that actually matches the body’s own osmolarity and is easily absorbed into one’s system. Other isotonic solutions of the body include tears, plasma and mother’s milk. These all-star B-vitamins join in the proper amounts for maximal utilization and absorption. B12 and the other B vitamins act as members of a team. When taken all together, B12 acts as a key player in the production of energy, cell maintenance and promotion of normal nervous system functioning. Folic acid is also present, playing an integral role in aiding B12 in the healthy utilization of amino acids and proteins as well as DNA and RNA synthesis.

  2. What is the source of the vitamin B12 in our Isotonix Advanced B-Complex?
    Vitamin B12 is a bacterial product, not synthesized by plants or animals. We get it by taking supplements or by eating eggs or meats. Vegetarians are recommended to take a B vitamin dietary supplement.

  3. Can a person who lacks Intrinsic Factor and has to take B12 shots get benefits from taking Isotonix Advanced B-Complex?
    No. Vitamin B12 requires intrinsic factor, a B12 binding protein synthesized in stomach parietal cells for proper absorption.

  4. Why are B-vitamins so important in the aging process?
    The ability to absorb B-vitamins naturally decreases with age, and various indicators of cognitive impairment are associated with reduced B-vitamin levels. The elderly in general suffer from a reduction in sense of taste and thus appetite and may use many acid reducing medicines that predispose them to B12 deficiency. According to Robert M. Russell of the U.S. RDA’s Human Nutrition Center on Aging at Tufts University, vitamin B12 is probably the single most important nutrient adversely affected by aging. Vitamin B12 is at once an incredibly difficult nutrient to assimilate and digest as well as one of the most important vitamins for a broad range of bodily functions including optimal functioning of the nervous system, normal DNA and RNA synthesis, optimal energy production and healthy blood integrity.

  5. I am young and healthy. Why should I take Isotonix Advanced B-Complex?
    Health experts estimate that one in five adults is deficient in one of the B-vitamins. Absorption of vitamin B12 is a complex process, which can lead to B12 deficiency. Keep in mind that even in a healthy person’s gastrointestinal tract, there are always other proteins and vitamins competing for absorption alongside vitamin B12, which is so large and complex that it very often must struggle for entrance into the bloodstream. Specifically at risk for deficiency are vegetarians, heavy drinkers, those who take a lot of prescription or over-the-counter drugs, those with digestive disorders, pernicious anemia, recipients of gastric bypass surgery and those with poor diets. A vitamin B-complex is great for athletes, especially endurance athletes who need a natural boost of energy before a workout, due to its beneficial effects promoting the oxygenation of red blood cells.

  6. Is it toxic to take too much vitamin B12?
    Studies have found no confirmed reports of toxic side effects from heightened dosages of vitamin B12. However, you should only take Isotonix Advanced B-Complex as directed on the bottle.

  7. re there any warnings or contraindications for Isotonix Advanced B-Complex?
    No. Isotonix Advanced B-Complex is a vegetarian product and contains no wheat, gluten, soy, yeast, artificial flavour, starch, salt, preservatives or milk.

  8. How do I take Isotonix Advanced B-Complex?
    Pour one (1) level bottle capful of powder into the overcap. Add water to the line on the overcap (60 ml/2 fl. oz.). This product is best when taken on an empty stomach. This product is isotonic only if the specified amounts of powder and water are used.


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by Anonymous

Activated B Complex

My husband and I both love this product! We have both noticed our energy pick up significantly and he even comes home from work and is in a good mood. I find if I have a slump at mid day - to take a dose and breeze through until bedtime!

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by Linda TunuraB

Isotonix activated b-complex

Yes, I give it 5 stars! . This is so needed in my daily nutrients. Thank you so ! !

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Improved focus

Been taking this for a while as it keeps me more energetic and focus at work. Can't go a day without it.

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Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your positive feedback on the Isotonix™ B-Complex Plus Powder. We are glad that you are happy with our product.

Thank you. Team


by Anonymous


As a vegan, this gives me the B12 I need!

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Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Isotonix® Activated B Complex! We are so happy to hear you are pleased with the product!

Thank you again!
The Product Information Team


by RogerH

Can't do without this isotonix Bcomplex is great..

BestI have taken with results.

Response from Customer Service

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Isotonix® Activated B Complex! We are happy to hear you are pleased with the product!

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